Saturday, November 26, 2011

Christmas Trees and Treats

Yesterday we planned to go get permits and chop down a tree for christmas with the Prignanos. Unfortunately they sold out of permits so we went to the tree lot in Sandy that has the live reindeer (pics to come). By the time we got home it was dark so we made some dinner and delicious inside out apple pie and blackberry limeade. YUM!

This morning we woke up early to flock our beautiful noble fir

We definitely have a lot to learn about how to fabulously flock a tree but it turned out pretty good..

 Tonight I made some ham and cheese sliders with a poppy seed sauce...holy cow they were delicious! Trying to figure out what to make for dessert!

Earlier today I got to have a girls matinee with Sara and Lindsey and we went and saw the latest Twilight movie. The boys went and shot some guns and I packed them some PB&J sushi rolls. Alan thought it was so cool that he snuck up and snapped a picture. Haha they seemed to be a hit so maybe we will try them again!

Tomorrow is our first Sunday at our new ward and we are sooooo thrilled that our ward doesnt start till 1pm! That means sleeping in and delicious breakfast! Tomorrow...CINNAMON ROLL PANCAKES!

Thats all from the wacky Whitakers for now!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Day

We have so much to be thankful for...first and foremost is our amazing families. We combined families for a fabulous feast today and are stuffed to the brim! 

After dinner we had some amazing desserts and I think my mom wins the best dessert award with her amazing trifle bowl creation. It tastes as good as it looks...actually better!

We are so grateful for our families and friends and feel so blessed! 

Now the only question is whether or not I should brave the lines and craziness that is black friday shopping? Dont have long to debate. Thanks again to all of our family and friends we appreciate you more than you know! 

Until next time...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New Beginnings

Well, I succumbed to getting a blog and tried really hard to set my own background I loved but was spending hours trying to make it look just right and settled for this! Maybe I can change it when I become more of an expert...I digress.


The Whitakers latest adventures in a nut shell

In case you didnt know WE JUST GOT HITCHED on the 11th of the month. Here is the link to a short video from the temple we played at the reception for all those who couldnt make it. Such a beautiful day!

We just returned a few days ago from our honeymoon (cruise to western Caribbean) and had SUCH a blast.  A few highlights from the trip...

 Mini jawbreakers during our layover in Dallas I am glad they dont sell them in Utah! They are addicting and not easy on the tummy :(

Hiking Dunns Falls in Ocho Rios

Caffeine after 5 looooong days w/out

Sting Ray City and Dolphin Encounter...such an amazing excursion!

Snorkeling and authentic tacos in Cozumel

We did not want to come home.

Things have been so hectic for the last few months with planning a wedding, evicting tenants, work, school and attempting to remain sane I have my fingers crossed that things start to slow down and I have more time to pick up hobbies and be a cute wife.

I attempted to be a cute wife by making a menu of delectables for the next few weeks and started tonight but since we bought our christmas tree decorations and ran short on time I just made chili and cornbread and then whipped up a strawberry budini parfait! Yum!

Hopefully the next two weeks wont be overwhelmingly disappointing as far as the food is concerned...

I am SOOOOOOO excited for the holidays this year and I have no idea why? Being married for the holidays presents wise is a HUGE buzz kill. Its now our money and its hard to have the element of surprise but hopefully I will be able to think of something. 

I think this a loooooong post so I better save some stuff for later...

More to come soon so stay tuned!